Preparation of Personalized Tax Returns

Expertise you can trust: Our team consists of experienced and qualified tax professionals who stay abreast of the latest tax laws and regulations. Whether you’re a salaried employees, a student, a freelancer, or a self employed person, we have expertise to optimize your tax situation.

Personalized Approach:

We believe in one-size-does-not-fit-all philosophy. Your financial situation is unique, and our personalized approach ensures that we uncover every available opportunity to minimize your tax liability and maximize your returns.

Financial-Accounting-bannerFinancial Statement Preparation: Prepare financial statements to suit your business needs, either annually or semi-annually, quarterly or monthly to “Raise your Bottom Line”.
Bookkeeping Service: We can help to record your financial transactions, which is part of business tax services. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts and payments by an individual or organization.
HST returns: File your HST returns on time and ensure you get the correct HST paid on purchases or services you received.
Management-Accounting-bannerBudgeting: Prepare budgets or cost analysis to get financing from banks or other financial institutions.
Financial Analysis: We are actually an advisors financial center which analyzes your numbers to find out where you can save money and “Raise your Bottom Line”.
Variance Analysis: Analysis with actual expenses compared to your budget and reasons for the variance.
Financial-Systems-bannerOur chartered accountants design Chart of accounts specifically for your business
Set up General ledger and provides
Systems and Process Training: QuickBooks, Simply Accounting or MYOB training.
Taxation-bannerIncome Tax Preparation Services: Navigating the reporting requirements and rules established by the Income Tax Act can be a daunting task. With our stream-lined processes and extremely experienced tax professionals, we can help make your reporting a breeze!
Business Tax Services: Prepare your business tax return and file online
Tax Planning & Taxation Accounting: Planning your taxes in advance to avoid late filing and "Raise your Bottom Line".
Government-Audit-Process-bannerOur audit accountants provide tax audit help and assist you with other taxation service near Vaughan and thereby ease the hassle and stress of accounting Canada.