
Theva (Dave) Somasundaram, CPA, CGA

Get Tax Help from our Expert Certified Public Accountant near Vaughan

Are you a Resident for Canadian tax purposes ?
Why your Start-Up needs an Accountant!
What Type of Business do you have?
Is HST Mandatory for your Business?
Tax Tips
Payroll Calculator

Use the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator (PDOC) to calculate deductions.

Tax Tips

How to collect, file, and remit the Goods & Services Tax (GST) and the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) ?

Tax Tips
Personal Tax

Set up a plan for your income and expenses. Find an estimate of how much mortgage or rent you can afford.

Tax Tips
CRA Forms

Forms, guides, tax packages, and other Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) publications.

Tax Tips
House Budget calculator

Set up a plan for your income and expenses. Find an estimate of how much mortgage or rent you can afford.

Business Tips
Incorporate or Not

Have a startup but not sure if you should incorporate? Get help documents here.

Business Tips
Disability Help

Find the most recent administrative information about the Disability Insurance (DI) plan.